Pretvaranja - Conversions
U projektu Pretvaranja mi je cilj bio pretvoriti tekst u zvučni i video zapis kojem se ne može pripisati nikakvo značenje. Inspiriralo me razmišljanje o apstraktnoj prirodi jezika o kojoj obično ne razmišljam jer sam naučena povezivati određenu riječ, tekstualni ili verbalni zapis sa određenim značenjem. Zvukovi u audio zapisu su pretvorene riječi i njihovo trajanje odgovara trajanju riječi koje mijenjaju. Isti je princip kod video zapisa gdje boje preuzimaju ulogu zvukova.
My interest in this project was conversion of words into sound as well as color that carry no meaning. My inspiration came when I started thinking about the abstract nature of language which I mostly ignore because I was taught to associate meanings to words. The sounds that can be heard are actual words and the length of each sound corresponds with the length of the word. Same goes with colours, each colour is a different word and it gets closer to white the more letters it has . The text which I started converting is made out of parts of unrelated texts so it has no specific meaning.