Slučajnost - Working with chance (2010.)

Ljudi na trgu - People on a square

Video radovi/animacije su nastali tako što sam snimala ljude na ulici i tu snimku rastavila na sličice koje sam zatim u prvom videu 'provukla' kroz kompjuterski program koristeći nasumične parametre. Za drugi video sam iskoristila ljude kao objekte koji su svojim prolaskom ostavili trag i tako u određenom vremenu oslikali prostor kadra.

In the first video I filmed people passing by in the streets, broke down the film into frames and then filtered them through computer program using random parameters. I drew the inspiration from Fluxus movement and wanted to use chance in my working process. In second video again I filmed people passing by and made them or parts of them into objects. Unknowingly they painted the everyday scene. This video is a part of an installation in which I took snapshots of different scenes and presented them as graphics.
