29:44 je kompilacija zvučnih zapisa na CD-u koji su nastali u suradnji studenata Metropolitan University London Department of Art i mojih kolega s godine. Rad je rezultat intenzivne višednevne radionice u kojoj smo se kroz priču i predstavljanje radova pokušali što bolje upoznati. Nakon što je došlo do zasićenja tolikim informacijama zamolila sam kolege da se opuste, budu ono što jesu i tada sam ih svakog ponaosob snimila. Zamolila sam ih da prekinu snimanje kada im misli odlutaju.
29:44 is a compilation of tracks on CD which I made in collaboration with art students from London and my fellow students. The CD is the result of an intense one week collaboration where we tried to get to know each other and produce something together. We had extensive presentation of our work, talked a lot, and after I got saturated with all the words and meanings I asked each participant to just be her/himself, to be aware of themselves at that time and surrounding space, and not to talk, and then recorded them as they said nothing. The result wasn't an akward silence but two people just being next to each other. I asked them to stop the recording process when their thoughts drifted away.